Today’s Joy: February 2020

Ash Wednesday, February 26, 2020

“As we work together with him, we urge you also not to accept the grace of God in vain.” — Second Corinthians 6:1 

I decided to continue the Lenten emphasis that I practiced for many years in my ministry. Ash Wednesday includes the disposition of Ashes. I will receive ashes tonight at my church.

My teaching pursued learning a new way instead of giving up a liked food. I suggest a fast and a study of how people in our society who are hungry. I recommend spending time at a food shelter and learning how the church is working to feed the hungry.

I saw an interview with Tommy Davidson on the Third Hour of “The Today Show.” He wrote a book, “Living in Color: What’s Funny About Me.” His natural mother abandoned him in a garbage can. He was taken in by a white family who nurtured and loved him to adulthood. He experienced racism from both racial sides. I think this would be a good read during Black history month. Black or white, the book shows both sides of the racial divide. Reading this would be a learning experience.

I invite you to decide on a service project that your where you can serve others or educate yourself to a new awareness of life.

Lent, I think, os a time for spiritual growth instead of an absence of chocolate. Take some Easter candy and share some with children who have none. Please sit down and eat it with them instead of handing out and walking away.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Feet Made Comfortable
“He made my feet like the feet of a deer and set me secure on the heights.” —Psalm 18:33

I write this morning about my new shoes. I will have a paczki for my late friend, Gus.

My foot doctor introduced me to Dr. Comfort shoes five years ago. The first pair was stylish and easy to put on. They felt comfortable and designed to be stylish. These orthopedic shoes promote foot health primarily. These shoes are for people with diabetes, arthritis, and other health conditions.

I wore these shoes daily for five years, and they are just beginning to show wear. I got a new pair a couple of years ago that I can wear to church and other places. These shoes are now my daily shoes. The new ones are the same style and are solid black with the same comfort as the other two. I will wear the new ones to church and special times.

I salute my happy feet this morning as I walk about Shrove Tuesday with my paczki.

Monday, February 24, 2020

A Paczki?
“There is nothing better for mortals than to eat and drink and find enjoyment in their toil. This also, I saw, is from the hand of God.” — Ecclesiastes 2:24

Gus was a character who exercised with me at cardiac rehab. He introduced me to the Paczki (POONH-key). I had never heard of a Paczki.

They are Polish doughnuts which are popular on Shrove Tuesday which is tomorrow. I knew what “Fat Tuesday” was for I had celebrated this most of my life.

Gus had to bring them every Shrove Tuesday. He had a specific bakery and brought two dozen.

We bought them from a grocery store we were in last week. The Polish bakeries in our area are mobbed as people who buy thousands of Paczkis during this time of the year.

My research says that Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan serves Paczkis before Lent. I miss Gus for he passed several years ago. I will have to eat one for Gus tomorrow.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Morning Rises 
“Do not lag in zeal; be ardent in spirit, serve the Lord.” Romans 12:11

Morning rises to a beautiful sunrise from over Lake Michigan into the Chicago area.

Morning rises to the reminder that for Christians today is the Day of Transfiguration. Many churches will observe the Transfiguration, which remembers Christ’s appearance in radiant glory on the mountain (Matthew 17:2; Mark 9:2-3; Luke 9:28-36).

Morning rises to a Twitter on my phone that notes UCC Disaster Ministries relief is sending $3K for food, drinking water, sleeping materials, toiletries, necessary medicine, and N95 masks for people who were displaced by the Taal volcano in Batangas, Philippians. A January eruption spewed ash across the area. The volcano is unstable. 

Morning rises to spring-like day as February comes to an end. Yet, the Church reminds us to take care of our friends in the Philippians as we worship The Transfiguration before enjoying a sunny Sunday afternoon.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Breaking News’ Priority
“Listen, I will tell you a mystery! We will not all die, but we will all be changed,” — First Corinthians 15:51

Tuesday, I wrote that local channel NBC-5 would air a feature story that I got a refund from American Airlines after hospitalization prevented me from flying to a Raleigh conference. News broke that the President pardoned the former Illinois governor. My story got bumped.

I spent the summer of 1956 at the University of Houston taking classes in journalism and radio-TV broadcasting. I wrote stories for the U of H newspaper and did tasks at KUHF-FM & KUHT-TV. I learned that breaking news scoops feature stories. My report designates as a feature story. Rod Blagojevich’s story broke on every television station in Chicago, including WMAQ, NBC-5. 

I won the Journalism Award at my high school after working as the sports editor of The Gusher, my high school newspaper. I remember developing a “nose” for news in high school. Every morning I watched the “Today Show” with Dave Garroway and J. Fred Muggs, a chimpanzee. Garroway hosted the show with J. Fred as his side-kick.

My journalism appetite whetted when NBC-5’s Lisa Parker came to interview me in January. Lisa told me my story would air during the 4 p.m. news on Tuesday, February 25. 

Keep our fingers crossed that Tuesday will be a slow news day.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

World Social Justice Day
“Justice, and only justice, you shall pursue, so that you may live and occupy the land that the Lord your God is giving you.”— Deuteronomy 16:20

February 20 is World Social Justice Day. This year’s theme is “Closing the Inequities Gap to Achieve Social Justice.”

The United Nations released this statement. “Social justice is an underlying principle for peaceful and prosperous coexistence within and among nations. We uphold the principles of social justice when we promote gender equality or the rights of indigenous peoples and migrants. We advance social justice when we remove barriers that people face because of gender, age, race, ethnicity, religion, culture, or disability.”

Several weeks ago, a friend mentioned this observance in a committee meeting. The principles are already in place in my Christian principles. Inclusion, equality, and respect are my core beliefs. 

I am happy to acknowledge the UN’s support for social justice. Often, I ignore the international stage. I am thrilled to expand my horizon to support World Social Justice Day.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Joy Raises Life
“Weeping may linger for the night, but joy comes with the morning.” — Psalm 30:5b

Joy raised a life at a funeral I attended yesterday. The circumstances on the surface are sad, painful service. We began with grief. My home congregation joyfully celebrated the life of Sean, a 14-year-old teenager who was missing one chromosome.

Pastor Joe set the tone with his joyful use of scripture and music. Sean lived and embraced life fully. His body was his only limitation. His parents, Bobby and Jennifer, brought him to worship on occasion. Pastor Joe remembered with he sang Sean expressed excitement by waving his arms gleefully. The bell choir brought Sean joy, too. Pastor Joe talked about his visits with Sean in his home. Sean wanted a touch from him. He embraced life with an abundance of energy. I learned that he enjoyed tasting Portillo’s chocolate cake. (Portillo’s is a popular fast-food chain in the Chicago area.)

The congregation displayed an agape joy to Sean’s family. Deep caring surrounded grandmother, Sandy, on Sunday before and after worship. The church brought this agape joy to Sean’s funeral. The community continued before, during, and after the funeral. People gathered around the family with love. Many, including me, rang a bell beside his ashes. My term agape joy is loving joy in which God’s joy intersects with human joy. The funeral loved as a community to hold Sean’s parents, family, and friends in God’s embrace. Sean was a particular part of this congregation.

I knew Sean through his grandmother, who talked about him often. My funeral memories chronicle an expression of joy that deeply touched my heart. Joy radiated around me in my religious community. Joy will appear again from Sean’s sister, Olivia—my Girl Scout cookie sales lady.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

My Joy Leaked
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

Back in January, I contacted Ms. Lisa Parker, Investigative Reporter for local NBC-5, about American Airlines refusing to give me a refund. This summer, I went to the hospital instead of flying to Raleigh for a Transactional Analysis conference. She responded, and my money was back in less than a week. Later, she interviewed me at my home church.

Monday night, friends started messaging me congratulations on getting the money back from American. The story by Ms. Parker appeared with my picture. I posted it on FaceBook. Someone at NBC had leaked it. Later, NBC removed the account. You might say the news was ahead of the interviewer. The story is scheduled to air Tuesday during the 4 p.m. newscast.

I planned to write about it after it aired. Plans change. I am joyful that justice came with a refund. I found joy in an interview with a kind, professional reporter. And, we both lived and worked in Iowa at one time. I let my joy shine to give thanks for even a big TV station that can work for justice.

ADD: The story was bumped due to breaking Illinois news. It will be rescheduled. RLH

Monday, February 17, 2020

My Pastor and Teacher  
“would feed you with the finest of the wheat, and with honey from the rock I would satisfy you.” Psalm 81:16

I fondly remember my pastor when I was in high school. My home church was his last appointment (United Methodist) before retirement.

He tapped me to work to put the bulletin together for Sundays. I made mistakes every week in typing. He was patient with me, and we managed a bulletin for each Sunday service. He was a former college professor and one of the kindest gentlemen I have ever known.

I kept in contact with him in retirement. My mother wanted to visit him and his wife when she came to visit me in North Texas. We drove to their home for a visit.

Before we knocked on the door, mom gave me specific instructions that we must leave “before supper, I don’t want to bother them to fix us a meal.” We had a pleasant visit. Mom gave me that look that it was time to go. The pastor’s wife said, “Now, you are staying for supper. You have driven a long way to see us. You are not leaving without breaking bread with us.”

Later, I picked up a friend from my hometown. We met him at his church on a Sunday morning for worship. We dined with them at Sunday dinner for a great meal and fellowship. My retired pastor and I talked about a racist sign as you enter his town. The sign read, “The whitest people and the blackest land.” We drove back to our colleges with joy about the pleasant visit with our hosts.

I felt deeply loved by this pastor couple who taught me patience. They also taught me about welcoming guests at the table for food and fellowship. They primarily taught me about welcoming friends into their home.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Giving Up Your Power
“Those who ignore instruction despise themselves, but those who heed admonition gain understanding.” — Proverbs 15:32
I have known many folks who have decided to ignore those who express a different opinion on politics or religion. I, like them, have been taught that ignoring conflict is the polite thing to do.
I decided a few years ago that when I don’t speak up to another who has a different option is giving away my power to those who WILL SPEAK UP.
A lifelong friend sent out a note in which I differed. I politely responded that I think she didn’t want to include me on her mailing list on that subject. She agreed to take me off that mailing list. We had several exchanges where we intersected at many other places in our history.
My teacher, Dr. Natalie Haimowitz, told me about a meeting where the American Association of University Women gathered the anti-abortion folk and the pro-abortion folk to a meeting in the local library. The AAUW leadership suggested that both groups look at the places where they could come together to help their community. An extended Sunday afternoon discussion resulted in several places they could work together: help young women in the city by identifying them and offering ways to help them in daily living as well as their educational desires. A committee formed to accomplish the tasks. I know that is a powerful way for both sides to claim their power and serve humanity. I would have liked to have known the results of this project.
You and I are called in life to speak up instead of ignoring the situation. You give away your power to others who will speak up. Sharing your thoughts may bring good news, as in the two above illustrations.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Pursue Love
“And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love. Pursue love …” First Corinthians 13:13-14:1a

First Corinthians 13:13 is ordinarily used in a wedding. I have insisted that people use the first part of the 14th chapter. 

The 13th chapter reads as a familiar scripture which adequately describes love. I think the first phase of the 14th chapter adds the missing part of love. The missing element is action.

“Purse love” is the New Revised Standard Translation while the New International says, “Follow the way of Love.” “Make love your aim” is the Revised Standard Version’s translation. The consensus is that love requires action. 

On this Valentine’s day, I suggest that love is more than celebrating one day of love. Love requires action by living a life of love by performing.acts of l

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Larry’s Story
“The Lord sets the prisoners free;” Psalm 146:7b

Larry was the Saturday Yolkfellow leader at the Garden Chapel, California State Prison at San Quentin. I was the chaplain on duty Saturdays when I met him. He was a star among the inmates.

Larry was once one of them, an inmate. He resisted Chaplain Byron’s overtures to get him involved in the chapel program. Gradually, he started working in the chapel program. Larry answered a Call into the ministry.

He was released on parole to the Baptist church and met Evelyn, who was a widow and church member. She sat by him at dinner after she donated her deceased husband’s suit. Gradually, they started dating and were married. Larry went to seminary and received credentials in the American Baptist Convention.

Through Chaplain Byron, he received clearance from the California Department of Corrections to do ministry in the Garden Chapel. He was one of the few former inmates who returned as a minister to SQ.

Larry and my friendship grew, and we developed a relationship as fellow ministers. Larry attempted to teach me fly-fishing, his passion. We went out several times. My favorite was fly-fishing on the Merced River, near the entrance to Yosemite National Park.

Evelyn, her son, and Larry stopped by Baker, Montana, the first summer I was there. We visited for a couple of hours. They had been on vacation to the Black Hills in South Dakota. I learned a few years that Larry sadly died from cancer. I felt deep sadness when I learned of is death.

I saw a TV movie about Yosemite last night and remembered Larry’s story. I once spoke to a women’s church service on “Prison Reform.” Larry and Evelyn’s love story served as an example. God works through ordinary human channels. Larry’s story is a “super” example of God’s love.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Saddle Buds
“Some friends play at friendship, but a true friend sticks closer than one’s nearest” — Proverbs 18:24

I was twelve years old. My dad died a few months before, and my mother was in a hospital in a town two hundred miles away.

I lived on a ranch with my mom’s cousin and her husband. Georgia cooked for the family and became like a mom to me during that time. She said to me that she was concerned that you don’t have anyone to play.

She brought her nephew on a play date with me. He had never ridden a horse before. I saddled up a gentle horse for him. He did well in the saddle as we rode for an hour or so before lunch. We sat down and ate lunch together. I had fun, for this was the first time I had a buddy my age to enjoy. I enjoyed riding horses with him.

He came out several times that summer to ride with me. We bonded and had fun with each other. We sat and broke bread together as we enjoyed Georgia’s fried chicken. He had visited when the family was away on business. We ate in the kitchen together. 

When the family was home, I had to leave my saddle buddy in the kitchen to eat alone. Georgia and my bud were African-Americans. Texas culture separated the blacks and whites from eating together at home or in public.

I experienced the issue from 12 years old to an adult in graduate school. In graduate school, students of all races ate together in the college cafeteria. The public restaurant was a different story. One drive-in wouldn’t serve us because of an African-American friend was in the car. I sat in a cafeteria across from the campus on Sunday night with my African-American friend. One of the customers came after me for eating with a person of a different race.

My Christian belief has always felt that all races were equal in God’s sight. I had to work to navigate to find places that were open to my friends of color in Texas. I found a way to eat with my friends of color because that’s the right thing to do.

I invite you to be intuitive and find ways to laugh in your everyday life. Remember someone like Bob, whose laughter brought joy into the room. Look for those moments today and breathe new joy through laughter.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Laughter Breathes Joy
“He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.” — Job 8:12

Dr. Robert L. Goulding’s deep laughter surfaces in my memory this morning. His laughter breathed joy into those around him. 

I met him at a Methodist Single Adult gathering at Asilomar, YMCA retreat center on the Pacific Ocean at Monterey, CA. I liked him for his jolly personality, and he had fun teaching psychotherapy with his partner, David Kufer. I learned more psychology from him on a Friday night and a Saturday morning than all of the psychology courses from college and seminary.

I spent a month studying with him during a difficult period in my life. The experience was liberating. Bob’s laughter breathed new life and new hope for me personally. I learned to distinguish between gallows laughter and healthy laughter. Gallows laughter is laughing at my misfortunes or another’s misfortunes. It is making fun of another’s issues is gallows. 

My dear colleague, Sister Betty, studied for a week. Betty said his laughter helped her. She learned to be a better school counselor. I think the same was right for me. I learned to laugh in my ministry and personal life. 

Bob and Betty have passed away. Bob’s laughter lives in my heart. I look around, and l look for ways to laugh and breathe new life and health into the world around me. 

I invite you to be intuitive and find ways to laugh in your everyday life. Remember someone like Bob, whose laughter brought joy into the room. Look for those moments today and breathe new joy through laughter.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Leadership Leads to Community
“And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds …” — Hebrews 10:24

My colleague mentions the coronavirus in the below statement on the community.

“ you know what I learned from offering mental health support to high-risk industries during the SARS outbreak? It’s moments like these that people tap into their personal leadership. People initially responded to a deadly virus in a variety of different ways- some panicked, some made a fist and fought it and some went into utter and complete denial. Some also adopted hateful thoughts rooted in fear. But these initial responses were the beginning of a journey. They developed and transformed to become courage, compassion, care, and strength. These human qualities were way more infectious than the virus. Leadership is a vital component of crisis and community trauma management. A sense of community emerges and we see such beautiful leadership blossom. With this coronavirus outbreak, I am seeing similar processes. The core of the human spirit is connected and timeless.” Cheryl Leong —–Author of the forthcoming book “Leading With Consciousness”.

Ms. Leong became a part of a council and committee in which I serve several years ago. She came from Singapore and lives in San Francisco. She is a fellow jazz fan.

She and I join together as soul mates for an emotionally healthier world with all people living in peace. She may be called a social scientist. She is also very tech-savvy in setting up websites. We are working on setting up an educational website where people can learn the basics of psychotherapy for free which is taught by certified specialists. We join together in believing good education should be available to all people.

Ms. Leong and I come from worlds apart. We intentionally work together to make the world an emotionally safe, healthier, and kinder place to live for today and every tomorrow.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Faith Is a Journey 
“for they began their journey for the sake of Christ, accepting no support from non-believers.” – Third John 1:7
My Wesleyan heritage comes to mind this morning. John Wesley asked his followers, “Are you moving on to perfection?”

As a child, I thought perfection meant doing everything perfectly as my parents wanted me to do. My Biblical professors taught me that Wesley differently. Moving on to perfection meant loving God, self, and neighbor completely.”

The longer I live the more difficult the task. Faith and love is not a static exercise. Life does not sit in one place. Join the life experience or be left behind.

As an 82-year-old man, I have decided that my faith is a journey of loving myself and others as time marches on. Love moves to keep the body fit with movement and following medical leadership. Love means to keep the mind alive and thinking. 

I decided to remain active in my church by being involved. And, continuing my passion to promote joy in self and others in my writing and teaching. I want to have fun and joy in music and drama. 

I pledge to be kind and gentle with those who me I come in contact with whom I come in contact daily. I want to find an avenue to monitor stress and tension in daily encounters with family and life.

Summing up the joy list today requires keeping going with joy and love. Faith is a life journey with the daily task to love as the bumps, highs, lows, and ordinary events of daily living. Amen.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Off the Diamond
“… while we, for our part, will devote ourselves to prayer and to serving the word.”— Acts 6:4

Chicago Cubs’ first baseman works to help children who have cancer in his home state of Florida.

Anthony Rizzo is a cancer survivor from his childhood. He had Hodgkin’s lymphoma in 2008 and was treated and the cancer is in remission. Since then, he has created a foundation that has contributed to cancer hospitals and other charity events. 

Recently, The Rizzo Foundation recently donated a million dollars to the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital. His charity has donated to the local children’s hospitals in Chicago.

Off the diamond, Anthony Rizzo gives joy to children in hospitals as he visits. He signs baseballs and treats them with kindness and respect.

Not only is Rizzo a joy to watch of first base, but he is also a joy to the highlighted as a servant to fight cancer through this charity and his visiting of them in hospitals.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

“For all of us make many mistakes. Anyone who makes no mistakes in speaking is perfect, able to keep the whole body in check with a bridle.” — James 3:2

As James states, “all of us make mistakes.” I make mistakes writing Today’s Joys. I usually re-read several times. I run the “free Grammarly” app before publishing it on FaceBook.

Filmmakers call errors MIS-TAKES. They do a second take or a third take until the film correctly follows the script. Musicians make mis-takes all the time. Rehearsals are the performer’s time to correct the wrong notes, timing and syncing all parts into the number for the performance. 

I judge myself too harshly when I make a mistake. I experience others and society judging self and one another too harshly. Often, we associate the scripture with being perfect is NOT to make ERRORS.

My New Testament professors taught me to be in “perfect love” to myself and my neighbors because God is “perfect love” This is a hard task to do in everyday life.

I invite myself and you to have mercy when we make a mis-take. Instead, do a second or third take until mis-take is fixed to your wants.

Wednesday, February 6, 2020

A Divine Reminder

“Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth; break forth into joyous song and sing praises.” —Psalm 98:4

This cold wintery day in February feels boring.  I. think it is time to look back at the purpose of Today’s Joy. 

First, I felt a Divine Call to serve God and answered the Call fifty years ago. I retired in April of 2013 when St. Petri UCC, Chicago, closed.  Though I love our family church and its pastor/members, I felt a longing to serve in my retirement. 

Second, I felt a lack of joy in our world. I saw joy in the presence of a baby. Everyone seems to feel the joy around a child. The process of growing up appears to strip us of our joy. I wanted to find a way to help people find joy. 

The genesis of Today’s Joy came as I listened to the final speech at 31st General Synod, the national UCC governing body in Baltimore in 2017. She challenged us to go home and do one thing to make a better world.

I thought I could find ONE thing to be joyful about each day. Ten days later I wrote my first Today’s Joy. I thank you who read it regularly or once in a while. I thank those who like. Your comments have been heartfelt and appreciated. I feel fulfilled in my endeavor.

Let us continue to find ONE JOY to lift up each day. I trust you will join me in the Joy friends who group or “congregation.” Or, whatever, you view yourself as a reader. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

In a Concert, Worship Occurs  
“In the beginning, God …” —Genesis 1:1a

I lived in the San Francisco Bay Area in the latter part of the 1960s. I went to the Oakland Civic Auditorium one evening to listen to “The First Sacred Music Concert” by Edward Kennedy “Duke” Ellington. 

Ellington had performed this program as a part of the festival of the opening of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco during 1965. I watched the YouTube video of the public television broadcast recently to remind myself of the concert

Ellington in an opening statement said the first four words of the Bible are “In the beginning, God”. He said these words would be repeated musically over and over. The first number’s theme said “in the beginning, there was only God, ….nothing…no dogs or cats…no main streets or back alleys….no poverty or Cadillacs ….. nothing….” and the litany continued. 

A number with orchestra and choir stated each book in the Bible. Another number stated that God’s love was “Too Good to Title”. “Little David Danced before the Lord with all his might” offered scat in a solid jazz form.

My favorite was a soprano solo, “Come Sunday,” which was in the form of a prayer, “Ooh Lord, dear Lord above, God almighty, God of love, please look down and see my people through….” The concert included an upbeat version of “The Lord’s Prayer”—a form of praise to God.

The whole concert wed jazz and the scared into a song of praise to the Creator God.

During Black History month, I lovingly remember how an African American genius led a white man to worship at a jazz concert in Oakland.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Rodent Meteorologists
“Whoever observes the wind will not sow, and whoever regards the clouds will not reap.”— Ecclesiastes 11:4

On 02/02, each year the groundhog takes over the role of a meteorologist. The village of Punxsutawney, PA., soars to thousands as Groundhog Phil predicts the coming of Spring. If he sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of Winter. He predicted an early Spring yesterday because he didn’t see his shadow.

In Woodstock, IL, another groundhog, Woodstock Willie, saw his shadow yesterday in a crowd of onlookers so we have six more weeks of Winter. 

The Super Bowl commercial about the movie, “Groundhog Day,” for Jeep autos was hilarious. It was filmed partly in Woodstock, a city northwest of Chicago. I invited you to check it out on FaceBook. It was released early in this space. 

Groundhog Day is great entertainment. I don’t think they are real meteorologists. We celebrated yesterday for we had the second sunny day in 2020 with a record-breaking temperature of 52º in Northern Illinois.

Today, we return weather predicting to the regular meteorologists. Phil and Willie entertain us for one day each year. It was fun in the year 02/02/2020.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Souper Bowl Sunday
“On the contrary: “If your enemy is hungry, feed him;” — Romans 2:20

While most people are tuned to the Super Bowl, churches are tuned to the Souper Bowl. The theme for 2020 is “The game is big. Our mission is bigger.”

The Souper Bowl of Caring’s website from Houston reports: 686 registered groups are reported to collect $5,846,034 and 100% will be given to their specific charities.

Churches have joined in a drive to feed the hungry. I have known churches who have served soup in a meal following worship. The soup was provided by the church members. Gifts for the meal were given to the local food pantry. 

Churches I have been associated with have collected funds for the local food pantries. We had coffee hours where soup was served and funds collected for the local food drive.

I invite you to pause for a while to remember the mission to feed the hungry is much bigger than the big game in Miami. Take part in your church’s or synagogue’s Souper Bowl Sunday.